I've been sent to another world, so I'll survive by acquiring a skill

v1c1 - In a Pure White World

[You will all be transported to another world. You can choose how you want to be transported, and it will take three hours.]

Suddenly, something that wasn't a voice echoed in my head.

Surprised, I looked around, observing the situation.

Looking around, I saw a world of pure white with nothing in it.

Some people were looking around like me, some were yelling, some were jumping up and down in joy, and some were on their knees in shock. There were many people in a mass.

It was impossible to tell how many people were in this space.

We were all in a mass, and beyond that was just a pure white space.

It was so sudden that I didn't know what to do. When I tried to remember what I had been doing just a moment ago, my head started to ache.


The more I tried to remember what I had been doing, the worse my headache felt. Unable to bear it, I stopped thinking about myself and observed my surroundings again.

Around me, some people were talking in small groups, some moving their fingers in empty space, some on their knees holding their heads...Most people were confused by the situation, but were already on the move.

Should I start talking to someone too...?

I looked around, but couldn't find the right words to say.

The people around me ranged from elderly people in their 70s to young people around middle school age. There were more men than women than men. There was probably a 70:3 ratio of men to women, with most of them in their teens and twenties. There were no women around my age.

There were quite a few people who weren't Japanese, but they were speaking the same language. Their pronunciation was also beautiful, and there was something strange about it.

After observing for a while, I heard voices saying, "You can open the status screen and decide your own profile," "I'll be a hero," and "I want to be a wizard."

"(I see...but what should I do?)"

When I muttered "status," words appeared on what looked like a transparent acrylic plate.



・Gender, Physical Type




・Unique Skills

300 points remaining

・Abilities HP, MP, SP, STR, INT, DEF, RES, AGI

It was a status screen like in some game.

Looking at the screen, I wondered what to do.

If the transfer to another world was real...

The allocation of these statuses would be important in determining my future.

However, I have never played a game where you assign statuses to create a character.

When I was a student, I played a fair amount of games, but I wasn't very skilled, and I only made it to the top of Monster Hunter once. I've only ever played the kind of games where you could do something if you raised your level.

How to create a character... I have no idea how to get stronger.

Looking around, everyone was busy with their own concerns, as they were looking at the space where the status screen should be and fiddling with their fingers.

It seemed like the younger generation and people with good communication skills were gathering together to discuss things. He doesn't have the courage to go and ask for advice.

First of all... if he asks for advice and does as he is told, will he continue to follow his instructions in the future?

Should he entrust everything to someone on their first meeting...? Impossible.

It makes more sense to think for himself. He can't leave it to others precisely because he doesn't know anything.

First, his name.

He can't remember this at all. If he just thinks about his own name... he gets a headache.

The headache gets worse, and he gives up thinking... It seems he can't even remember his own name.

He doesn't know what's causing the headache.

If he's trying to avoid thinking about himself, then he shouldn't remember games from his school days... but he can remember that he has played games. He doesn't understand the pattern.


When he wonders why, his headache gets worse again. He gives up thinking about his name and switches his mind to his status.

There are many different races. In addition to the standard fantasy races like elves and dwarves, there are beastmen, birdmen, dragonmen, angels and demons.

You can also choose the strength of your bloodline, such as half, quarter, or mixed. Status changes depending on the race.

Humans have standard abilities such as STR and DEF at around 15. Other races have values ​​that range from 10 to 30.

If you make them pureblooded, some values ​​can exceed 50 at the start, but for non-humans you need to use points. It seems that the more points you use, the higher your abilities become.

Abilities do not change based on gender. No matter the race, there was no difference in the status of men and women. If abilities change, I think it's better to have excellent stats, but if they don't change, there's no need to change your gender.

Magic is water magic, fire magic, etc. Magic level is 1 to 10.

Fire Magic 1 (10)

Fire Magic 2 (20)

Fire Magic 3 (30)

Fire Magic 4 (50)

Fire Magic 5 (70)

Fire Magic 6 (90)

Fire Magic 7 (120)

Fire Magic 8 (150)

Fire Magic 9 (180)

Fire Magic 10 (220)

At magic level 1, you need 10 points. As you level up, the points increase, so at level 10 you need a total of 220 points.

Skills are swordsmanship, spearmanship, and martial arts, and similarly the skill level goes up to 10. Abilities are also at ability level 10, so the points required are the same.

There seem to be various types, but the points are fixed.

Compared to skills and magic, there are so many abilities that it's hard to decide which one is best.

Everything that isn't related to weapons or magic is classified as an ability, and there are so many of them that it's hard to know which one is best.

Further down were the unique skills.

There were three unique skills lined up.

Sword Taste (50), Sword Way (150), and Sword Mastery (250).

There were three stages, with points of 50, 150, and 250. If you take the best one, you can't really choose anything else.

I looked over my stats and thought about what to do.

An hour had already passed since the voice first echoed in my head.

I wondered what would happen if I let three hours pass without doing anything...

I might just be thrown out because the time was up.

I'd better hurry up and decide on my stats.

It also felt like there were fewer people around than at the beginning. If the people who'd decided my stats were gone, I wouldn't be able to take it easy.

First, I was curious about the unique skills <Intuition> and <Luck>.

Unique skills use a lot of points. <Intuition> is the second stage, so it's 150. <Luck> is the first stage, so it's 50. If it's <Good Luck>, which is one level higher, then it'd be 150.

For intuition, you'll use half of your points.

There's a good chance that the other world won't be as peaceful as before. If all you have are abilities for fighting, then it's better to think of it as a dangerous world...

I think you need intuition and luck to survive.

I'm aware that I'm not the luckiest person. When it comes to multiple choice answers, I can't get it right when I need to. But I get it right when I don't care.

During exams, even though I can narrow it down from five choices to two, I always get it wrong in the end. I can answer essay questions properly, but for some reason I get it wrong when it comes to multiple choice questions. I know I don't have the ability, but... I'd like a little bit of luck.

Unique skills that seem to be related to luck are <Good Luck, Good Luck, Extreme Luck> and <Premonition, Intuition, Super Intuition>. There's also <Heavenly Luck>, but I feel like that's not quite right.

I'm not really sure what the difference between <Luck> and <Intuition> is, but I'd like to have one of them.

I selected and touched Intuition to see what it was, and the other unique skills turned grey.

Touching it again didn't change anything. Pressing Intuition again didn't change anything.


Oh, so once you've made a choice you can't go back? Is there a confirmation button or something?

I thought I could check the details, but it seems touching it just confirmed it.

…………For now, I'll just believe that it's not a bad choice.

When danger approaches in another world, would you rather "be saved by luck" or "sense the danger and avoid it"?

I want to avoid it if possible. I don't want to get close to dangerous places in the first place. If a premonition is meant to warn you that something bad is going to happen... then intuition is better... I think.

I think that luck would probably be better, like the classic RPG item drops.

Having good drops is a huge advantage, but I'd rather survive by "valuing life."

When it comes to unique skills, think of it as taking the ones you want. Next time, take only what you really think you need. Be careful because you can't take things back.

150 points remaining.

Go back to the beginning and think about the races.

Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Beastman, Birdman, Fishman, Dragonman, Fairy, Angel, Devil.

There are pureblood, half-blood, quarter-blood, and mixed-blood.

Humans have normal ability scores. Dragonmen, angels, and devils have high overall ability scores.

Elves and dwarves have extremely high or low abilities.

Beastmen, birdmen, and fishmen have distinctive parts of their body. There is quite a difference in their abilities, but they have higher HP.

Compared to purebloods, half-bloods have lower abilities. Quarter-bloods and mixed-bloods have even lower abilities, but beastmen and the like are losing their racial characteristics, and although they have birthmarks on their bodies, they are just as difficult to tell what race they are as humans.

The points are 150 for purebloods, 100 for halfbloods, 60 for quarterbloods, and 30 for halfbloods for all races except for humans.

I think Angels would be good because of their high ability scores.

Demons would be dangerous if they were found out. I'd be in trouble if they became the target of a witch hunt, so I'll leave them out.

I don't like Dragonmen because I'm not good with their... reptilian eyes.

Also, Angels seem to have a high aptitude for light magic.

There was no type of healing magic, so I think light magic is healing. I'd like to remember healing magic in case of an emergency.

I wonder if Angels have shining silver hair and golden eyes.

Half-blood's have the same shining silver hair and golden eyes.

Quarte bloods and half-blood's (Angels) have silver hair, but it's much less shiny. Their eyes are golden. They have a slightly cloudy look. I think the only distinctive features of angels' appearance are their hair and eye color.

It's troublesome to have an appearance that stands out in another world, but it seems that if you're a quarter or half-blood, you can change the color quite a bit. Silver hair might stand out, so I took out the shine to make it closer to white... making it almost white, and made the eyes honey brown.

The eye color seems to be the only difference between them and humans, so they won't stand out. If the eye color is going to be a problem, I'll wear glasses.

Okay, I'll go with half-blood (angel).

I made her a girl, 158 cm tall, the same as the average height.

Maybe angels are on the taller side, because her build was displayed as petite and she had a young-looking face.

By the way, when I chose half-blood (angel), I learned the ability called <Blessing>. It seems that when you choose a race, abilities sometimes come as a set.

By the way, there's an aptitude mark of O next to light magic and holy magic, so I might as well take this opportunity to acquire light magic and holy magic, which are racially aptitude able, at level 1.

Huh? Come to think of it, when I first looked at the types of magic, I don't think there was any holy magic.

I guess that means there are some magic that you can't learn without the aptitude.

Also, if I'm going on an adventure, I'll need water magic.

I've heard that if you get lost on a journey and all your food runs out, you can survive as long as you have water. Water is important. If you can produce water yourself, the danger should be reduced.

There are three types of magic for now.

Additionally... if you take water magic, you can choose some kind of compound magic. This looks good too, so I'll take that.

Next, I guess it's skills. What weapon to use.

Honestly, I don't know what weapon to use.

I'll keep physical skills. It's important to be able to fight even without a weapon.

The points are high, from levels 1 to 3, 10 points, at level 4, 20 points, and from level 7 to 30 points, so I'll keep physical skills to level 3.

You need to be able to move around to a certain extent, otherwise you won't be able to respond if something happens.

As for other weapons... I don't think you need to get close to a bow, but... I'm not sure I can use it well.

Spears get in the way when walking through caves and other narrow places. Axes look heavy, and have a shorter reach than swords, so they seem difficult to use.

I could play it safe and stick with swords and change weapons as I use them. I might change weapons, so my skill level is 1.

30 points remaining.

"What should I do..."

If I went to another world and had to fight monsters...

Other people would have allocated their points to become stronger. I don't allocate them that way.

I allocated them because I thought I needed them to survive, so getting stronger was secondary, so it can't be helped. I don't regret taking the unique skill with the goal of surviving, but if I'm not strong, I'll consider other paths.

I've thought about it a lot, but...

It's better to have a skill rather than just fighting to survive.

No matter what kind of world it is, if you have a specialized job, you'll never go hungry, right? However, I don't know what kind of world it is over there. Aside from fighting, a production job is the safest path.

As for production-related abilities... alchemy and synthesis, I guess. I'll take both. I don't know what the difference is, but it's not a problem to have both.

And also, granting?

I imagine it lets you grant attributes to weapons, armor, magical tools, etc... It seems useful, so I'll keep it.

Well, I don't have the communication skills to make money, so I'll probably just make one for myself.

Finally, the name is Crane. I went for the name of a character with a similar appearance.

Okay, 45 minutes left.

That's it!

After I pressed confirm, the next screen appeared.

After setting up my character, I choose weapons and armor... so I have to choose weapons and armor with a budget of 3,000G.

An iron sword is 750, a copper sword is 250, and a wooden sword is 100... So a steel sword costs 2,250G...

Armor... For both armor and shield, steel is 2,250G, iron is 750G, copper is 250G, and leather is 100G. Defensive power is +30 for steel, +15 for iron, +7 for copper, +3 for leather...

I was able to try out the equipment, so I did.

Iron and copper are quite heavy. If you cover your whole body with them, you'll be able to barely move.

I'll use a small shield instead of full armor, and a breastplate instead, for light equipment that will allow me to move around.

Compared to copper and iron, leather is light, so I'll use leather for everything except the shield and breastplate. I'll only upgrade the parts that I absolutely need to protect a little.

I'm sure iron rusts easily... it could be difficult to maintain.

I also want to save my money, so I'll go with copper. It's better to save your money than to buy expensive equipment, so you can use it if something happens. Money is important.

Copper sword, copper small shield, copper breastplate, leather gauntlets, leather boots, leather hat, leather cloak.

Total 1,150G. Remaining balance 1,850G.

I don't know the value of the currency, so I'm a bit worried even though I have this much left...

I have to go with this.


-Name: Crane

-Race: Mixed-race (Angel)

-Gender: Female

-Build: Petite

-Magic: Holy Magic LV1 Purification, Holy Ray

Light Magic LV1 Light, Heal

Water Magic LV1 Water, Water Arrow

Composite Magic LV1 -

-Skills: Martial Arts LV3 Smash, Spirit Charge, Counter

Swordsmanship LV1 Slash


Blessing LV1 Can bestow blessings.

Synthesis LV1 -

Grant LV1 -

Alchemy LV1 -

- Unique Skill: Intuition

- Abilities HP 30 MP 28 SP16 STR13 INT20 DEF12 RES20 AGI15

Status is closer to average for magic users. I'm concerned about the low DEF though. Defense goes up if I wear armor, so my total stats aren't bad... I think.

Magic spells and skills learned by LV.

As expected, the healing magic was light. Good. It's great to have a way to heal. Now I won't have to worry about getting hurt.

Okay, let's go. To another world.
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