6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade : Chapter 7

 Chapter 7 - My son is a genius! !!

After we annihilated the Demon King, our family returned to the mansion and gathered in the common room. I was still in my pajamas and robe, feeling exhausted as I sat on a chair that was too low for my feet. 

My mother, who had woken up, used magic to treat my father and brother's injuries. 

I was honest about Princess Clarice and the others and they dealt with it. This was after the incident with the Demon King. Even if I tried to cover it up, they would have found out soon enough. Princess Clarice's wounds were healed by my mother. However, the sleep spell I had cast on her had not yet been lifted. 

"We'll wake the princess up after the family meeting," my father said, with an unusually grim expression on his face. Is it okay for people outside of the family to know what I've done? 

I guess he thought he needed to answer that question first. Of course, they checked to see if I was injured as well. My mother rolled up my clothes, patted me down, and gave me a thorough check.

I'm not a baby, so there's no need to go that far.

No matter how much I told them that, they always refused to listen.

"Eddie, are you really not hurt anywhere...?"

"I've been saying that for a while now... Just believe me."

"That would be good, but..."

When my family found out I was unharmed, they breathed a sigh of relief, then looked somewhat confused.

My youngest son, just six years old, had defeated the Demon King without a scratch.

And with just one weak spell.

It seemed they were reminded of this fact once again.

In order to protect my family, I had no choice but to defeat the Demon King at that moment.

But it was a problem...

I remembered the memories of my past life.

The reactions of people to me, who wields the strongest power, were always pretty much the same.

The emotions they saw in their eyes were not ones of respect or envy.

Fear and loathing.

Humans are animals too, so it's only natural to fear those stronger than you.

But it's a different story when the other person is family.

They are a source of comfort that I finally gained after reincarnation.

I don't want to lose that.

...If that's so.

A childlike expression appeared on my face, and I continued to move my feet unsteadily, racking my brain.

To come up with a reason why I, a child who couldn't use magic until yesterday, was suddenly able to use powerful magic.

"Now then," my father took his usual place in his seat and slowly looked around at the faces of our family.

"First of all, as the head of the household, I would like to apologize for not being able to protect you all. I'm sorry, it was all because of my incompetence."

Seeing my father bow deeply, everyone panicked.

"No, you. You helped me escape."

"Father was injured because he was protecting us."

"If anyone is incompetent, it's us, his sons..."

For the time being, I kept my mouth shut.

In my heart, I was glad that no one had died.

Children don't usually join in on adult conversations at times like this.

"So, Eddie..."

I straightened up as my father looked at me.

The whole family was looking at me.

"How were you able to use that kind of magic?"

I took a deep breath and bowed my head.

Just like my father.

But as haltingly as possible.

"I'm sorry. I had a dream where I could use magic, and I really wanted to. I snuck out of the house hoping to be able to use magic without anyone knowing."

There was no hiding the fact that I could use powerful magic.

However, I wanted to keep the fact that I was reincarnated from the strongest sage and that I had memories of my past life just to myself.

"You mean I went to the Forbidden Forest..."

"Yeah. I defeated monsters there and learned magic."

That's basically correct.

I just didn't mention that my memories from my past life had returned to me.

"I met the princess there, and when I used magic to help her, something amazing happened. So I thought, I'll defeat the Demon King just like I did before! I got carried away and..."


My father and mother looked at each other in disbelief.

My father stood up, came over to me, and crouched down.

"You were talking about something with the Demon King. What was that?"

"The main character in a book I read recently was talking like that, and I thought it was cool so I copied him."

"So...Eddie, you just acquired magic today for the first time, learned how to use it, and unleashed a spell of that power?"


Is that really painful...?

If my son, who has never used magic before, suddenly did something like that, anyone would be scared.

If he knew I had memories of my past life, he would think that I was really different from the son he knew.

I wonder if today will be the last day that I can be a family with these people...

I was clutching my gown unconsciously, not acting, and my parents looked at each other and nodded vigorously.

"You're right, mother."

"Yes, you."


My father turned to me and began to speak.

I wondered what he was going to say.

When I was nervous... "You're... a genius!!"


What did you just say?

"A genius, no, a prodigy!! He might be the most talented person the world has ever seen! My goodness, my adorable littlest child is so amazing!!"

My father put both hands under my armpits and lifted me up, shouting, "Hahahaha! My child is a genius!" and started spinning around.

I'm dizzy.

"Eddie, my angel!! Please don't make me worry! But I'm so proud of you!! I was so scared that you fought the Demon King that my heart almost bursts, but that aside, you're so talented!!"

My mother, who had snatched me away from my father, now hugged me tightly.

I'm gonna be crushed.

"I'm so proud of you, big brother! I was looking forward to Eddie overtaking me one day, but I can't believe he's already done it!"

"Maybe he sneaked out of the house today because he unconsciously sensed the Demon King's attack and avoided it! Oh my goodness! It seems Eddie has the god of luck on his side!"

"Today is a day to celebrate! Not just his birthday, but also the fact that Eddie defeated the Demon King!"

"M-mom, it hurts...!! Ugh."

I was flustered as the whole family hugged me tightly.

I thought they would be scared when their littlest child suddenly awakened and defeated the Demon King with a single blow of magic. But they exploded with emotion, saying, "My child is so cute. He's the best."

It seems my family doted on me more than I thought.

...I really was born into a very fortunate environment this time.

That's what I really felt.

"Well, I guess it's time to go wake up the princess."

"Oh, I'm going to the bathroom!"

My hair was all messed up after being tossed around by my family, and I hurriedly ran out of the dining room.

"Let's take this opportunity to check the status."


Name: Eddie

Level: 10 <Restricted>

Occupation: Sage

Stamina: 100

Magic power: 230

Magic: Fire magic (weak), wind magic (weak), dark magic (super), sleep magic, detection magic, investigation magic, teleportation magic (self), teleportation magic (other)

Magic ability score: 204531 <Reincarnation bonus>


"You've learned the magic the Demon King had. You don't need super dark magic though."

He doesn't have enough magic power, so it's not really there.

The rest are teleportation magic and investigation magic.

Investigation magic is the ability to check other people's status.

Teleportation magic is exactly what it sounds like.

Since it has both self and others attached to it, I can teleport someone or teleport myself.

However, like dark magic, the MP required for teleportation magic is significantly higher than the standard.

I don't think I'll be able to use it for a while.

"Hmm? There's a level limit."

I can't level up any more unless I go to the Magic Temple and undergo the restriction removal ritual, but that's fine for now.

I don't care that the Demon King's experience points were almost all wasted.

I'm not aiming to be the strongest, after all.

"More importantly, I'm curious about this strange item..."

It's an item that I had ignored earlier because I didn't have time.

"Reincarnation Bonus"

If you take it literally--it means that as a result of reincarnation, my status has been increased, right?

Looking at the numbers, it seems that I've been buffed by 1.5 times.

I knew that in order to reincarnate, I would be forced to inherit the elements tied to my soul, including my magical power.

But I certainly didn't expect the bonus effect to be activated like this.

I had reincarnated to escape my life as the strongest sage, but to end up with even more powerful power...

So my magical power will be 1.5 times what it was in my previous life?

Naturally, magical power increases as your level increases.

"This... If my level increases, something incredible will happen..."

I need to get more serious about hiding my strength.

In the bathroom, I made up my mind seriously.

I'd put aside for the moment the fact that I'd already used my magical power in public twice today.


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