6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade : Chapter 11

 Chapter 11 - Settle the matter with the King

A few days after the entrance briefing.

After somehow passing the aptitude test, I was looking forward to school starting and spending each day leisurely.

The days of being a demon king and a sage now seem like a distant dream.

However, as expected, the peaceful days did not last long.

It all started with a rumor that "a suspicious group of people came to town, looking for a sage."

The person who brought this rumor to my house was the mayor of a nearby town.

"Although he was hiding his identity with a robe, he seemed to be carrying a sword... There was also a story that the sword he caught a glimpse of had the coat of arms of the country of Maylie."

"From the country of Maylie... I see--"

"They are asking people in the town, 'Have you seen any major disasters or people using powerful magic around here?'"

The mayor said, looking confused at my father, the lord of the town.

My father nodded without saying a word, but I could imagine what he was thinking.

Because I'm thinking the same thing.

Princess Clarice kept my existence a secret as promised.

However, the investigation probably led to the king finding out that I had defeated the Demon King.

I had expected that this would come out sooner or later, so it wasn't surprising.

I pressed my ear to the door, listening intently, deep in thought.

"Young master? What are you doing?"

I turned around in a panic when someone called out to me, and the maid who had brought the tea tilted her head in confusion as she looked at me.

"Whoa! N-Nothing!"

I shouldn't have done that.

I was completely distracted by my father's conversation.

I hurriedly ran away from the room.

I sighed as I walked up the stairs.

Oh dear.

I guess this is what happened after all.

At the moment, they're hiding the fact that they're knights from the country of Maylie and have come to look for me.

However, they may eventually tell the king of this country the situation and begin a large-scale search.

Even if they don't reveal the Sage's awakening, they can make up any number of reasons.

If that happens, things will only get more and more serious.

My father is also the Margrave of the border.

If I leave it like this, there's a high chance that I'll put him in a tricky position.

I want to avoid a situation that causes trouble for my father.

...I have no choice.

I'll settle things once and for all.

I knew this would happen, but it weighs on my mind.

I don't want to worry my parents, so I'll go and come back quickly by myself. As for how I'm going to get to Maree by myself...that method will do.

I had a plan prepared for an occasion like this.

I myself learned teleportation magic (self) when I defeated the Demon King.

However, I don't have enough magical power, so I can't activate it at this stage.

In that case, the only option is to get someone to teleport them.

In my family, only my father and my eldest son have the ability to teleport others.

While my father was talking to the mayor...

After climbing the stairs, I hurried to my eldest son Logan's room.


"Did you leave something at school?"

My brother, who was writing at his desk, stopped and looked back at me.

I walked over to his side and looked up at my tall brother with a troubled look on my face.

"That's right, big brother. It's a coin that our dead grandfather gave us. I took it with me as a talisman when I went to the school for a checkup the other day, but it seems I dropped it."

"You're really bad, Eddie. You shouldn't take important things to school."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

Even though he was scolding me, my brother's voice was calm.

Like his parents, this eldest son is weak towards me, his younger brother.

"Well, let's go get it together in the carriage."

"That won't do... If Mom and Dad find out about the coin, they'll definitely scold me. So I want you to teleport me to the school by myself."

"Teleportation, you mean..."

"You can get there quickly with your teleportation magic, right? Then I'll come back in the carriage with you, Max!"

Max, the second son, goes to the high school division of the academy by carriage every day.

The "Teleportation Magic (Other)" that his older brother Logan possesses can only transport others.

It was fortunate that Logan hadn't acquired the magic to teleport himself, the "Teleportation Magic (Self)."

Thanks to that, Logan can't tell him he's coming with me.

"Still, I'm worried about letting him go alone. After what just happened the other day..."

"Oh, big brother. I'll be a first-year at the Royal Academy in just a little while. I can go get something I forgot by myself."

When I puffed out my cheeks, my brother gave me a wry smile.

"I see. You're at the age where you want to try anything by yourself now. I guess it's my duty as a big brother to let you gain some experience, even if there's danger. -- Now, let's prepare the teleportation spell."

"Thanks, big brother! Hurry, hurry!"

"Hahaha, that's a helpless guy. I get it, so don't rush me."

The teleportation spell was activated by drawing a magic circle at his feet.

My brother took out chalk, a large piece of parchment, and a map from his desk drawer and spread them out on the floor.

"Stay away, Eddie. Don't touch the magic circle. It would be a disaster if the formula gets rewritten."


My brother looked at the map and confirmed the longitude and latitude of the academy, then incorporated them into the magic circle.

I watched from a little distance.

It was the first time I'd seen my brother draw a magic circle since he'd regained his memories, but he was pretty fast.

It's rare to see someone draw such a complicated magic circle so accurately and without hesitation.

"Okay, it's done."

I immediately shouted out loud.

"Whoa! Big brother, there's a mouse behind the curtain!"

"Huh?! What's that? Eddie, wait a minute!"

"Big brother, he hid under the desk!"

"I-I got it! Is it here?"

While my brother was crouching down to look under the desk, I picked up some chalk and quickly corrected the magic circle.

I corrected the longitude and latitude.

--In other words, the destination has been corrected.

...While I'm at it, let me fix a few things that are bothering me.

My brother's magic circle is efficient, but it's still too much of a strain on a six-year-old's body.

I quickly rewrote it and put the chalk back in its place, and my brother looked up.

"Big brother. How's it going?"

"Um... sorry. It seems they got away. I'll let the maid know later."

"Okay. Sorry for scaring you, big brother."

"No. Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, please stand inside the magic circle."


As soon as I entered the magic circle, the teleportation spell was activated.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, feeling the wind created by the teleportation spell.

I felt my organs floating softly.

I felt a tickling sensation inside my body.

A moment later, I opened my eyes and found myself standing in a different place.

The wind that had been surrounding me disappeared after a moment.

I arrived at a certain office.

"Who are you, sir?"

The bearded man sitting in a chair looked at me and raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

To think that he was so unfazed by a child's sudden appearance that he didn't even ask who it was.

From his dignified demeanor, I realized in an instant that he was no foolish king.

Having dealt with countless kings in my past life, it was easy for me to tell in an instant whether a king was a hopeless idiot or a worthy and wise king.

Right now, the only ones in the office were the king and me.

I could sense the presence of a guard on the other side of the door, but I also liked the fact that he didn't have a random aide by him.

It would be a relief if he was someone I could talk to properly, just like my first impression.

Thinking about this, I called out to the king.

"You were looking for me, weren't you?"

"... What did you say?"

I smiled confidently and held out my hand to the person.

"You wanted to talk to me, right? That's why I came to see you, King. Come on, let's settle this."


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