
6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade

  Epilogue: The beginning of a new life "What?! You're saying... you're out of magic...?!" Huey was clearly becoming upset. To tell the truth, I had activated a detection spell as soon as the battle began to confirm Huey's decreasing magical power. The magical power displayed above his head was now 0. Of course. No matter how you look at it, a child's magical power would run out in no time if he kept firing it like that. Magical power increases according to level. No matter how noble Huey was from a prestigious family and had a talent for magic, there's only so much a six-year-old child can reach. I know that from personal experience. This was what I was aiming for from the beginning. "You can't use magic anymore?" "Damn it." "What? You said that people who can't use magic have no value. Maybe you just..." The color drained from Huey's face. He stared at me with wide eyes as if he had seen something terrifying. Jus

6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade

 Chapter 31 - Eddie vs. the Bully "Everyone stay back. It's dangerous." I looked around and told him, and the other kids hurriedly retreated. A circle of students formed around Huey and me. "Don't underestimate me...!" It wasn't enough to just defeat this insolent boy. If that were the case, it would be much simpler. It would take a lot of brainpower to pretend to be Class F's power and deal with him. "Take this!" Huey cast a water spell. This was the third time. I didn't get in the way, and let him cast it as he wanted. The water spell that appeared in Huey's palm swelled up to the size of a ball. "Go for it!" Huey threw a blue, squishy light blue ball with force. It would hurt a lot if it hit him, and it would probably cause a jammed finger or bruise. As expected of Class A, they're amazing for a kid their age. Huey, in particular, comes from a distinguished family. Magical talent is greatly influenced by blood. Now.

6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade

Chapter 30 - Protecting classmates It's the second day of school. The orientation was all over on the first day, so today the magic classes start in earnest. I wonder what we'll learn in the first class. The first period today was a class on everyday life magic, so maybe we'll learn how to fly? Hmm, but if they messed up and fell, they could get seriously injured, so that kind of magic might have to wait. As I was thinking this, I headed towards the classroom, and there was some commotion in front of class F. What's it all about? There's a crowd of people. It looks like they're having some kind of argument. "Hey, class F can't even say hello! They're just like losers who can't use magic!" The ones making the noise were the students from class A who'd started a fight in front of the assembly hall yesterday. The blonde, who I think is the son of a distinguished aristocrat, was leaning back with his hands on his hips. The ones on either si

6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade

 Chapter 29 - Celebrating Admission That night, when I got home, my family had thrown me a private party to celebrate my enrollment. The dinner laid out on the table was not only sumptuous, but also full of my favorite foods. I let out a cry of amazement when I saw the quantity of food, which was more than I could eat. I was, of course, happy that they had prepared my favorite foods for me. But more than anything, I was filled with gratitude to my family for preparing the celebration. "Thank you everyone. I'm so happy." "I'm glad Eddie liked it." "Come on, Eddie. Eat until you're full today!" "Haha, Dad, you know what? Eddie, here's the meat pie. Give me a plate so I can serve you." "Thanks. But I can do it myself." "Really? Logan still thinks of Eddie as a baby." "Come on. I'm sure you think the same of him!" "You brothers just can't help but love Eddie." "That's true. Eddi

6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade

Chapter 28 - Class A and Class F After the third period, I checked the schedule I had in front of me. The first and second periods today were the entrance ceremony. Then, in the third period, we received explanations from our homeroom teachers and classmates introduced themselves to each other. Now, the last class of the day was to begin. Next, all the new students were to gather in the assembly hall, where the teachers in charge of each subject would give a guidance session. "Now, everyone, let's move." "Okay." I followed along with the flow of my classmates who were moving in a line. The assembly hall seemed to be at the end of the corridor that connected the new school building and the gymnasium, where we turned right halfway. The teacher gave us a brief tour of the school, guiding us around. "Wow! This school is so big." "Look, look. Are those kids from another class?" In front of the assembly hall, I encountered a group of people who see

6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade

Chapter 27 - "Eddie enters the Royal Academy" Returning from the Demon Realm. Reporting to the King. Preparations for the entrance ceremony and other things passed by in a flurry. Before I knew it, the day of the Royal Academy entrance ceremony had arrived. Starting today, I would be taking classes in the lowest-ranked F class for the next year. The lowest class also stands out in a different way, so I would have ideally preferred to be in the middle C class... I had submitted my brother's report card instead and gotten through the class placements, so I couldn't be selfish. After the entrance ceremony in the gymnasium, we freshmen were sent off to our respective classrooms. This was where we said goodbye to our parents, who had been watching from the guardians' seats. "Eddie, do your best!" "If anything happens, tell me right away!" With my worried parents seeing me off, I headed to my classroom. The classrooms for new first-year students were

6-year-old Wise Man Wants to Walk in the Shade

Chapter 26 - "The Ruler of Darkness is Secretly Born" The dragon people, who had been watching the gunpowder explosion from a distance, welcomed the chief and me with surprise and joy. "Chief, I'm surprised! Who would have thought that you would have exploded the seeds of war along with the Demon King's castle!" "But how on earth did you do that!? Chief, you can't use magic..." "No, that's not true..." The chief looked away awkwardly. I had heard that he couldn't use magic, of course. The chief was planning to come up with a good excuse for this, but it seemed like it would be best to get some help. "Your magic, Chief, was really amazing! I was surprised!" "What, Chief's magic?" The dragon people were agitated by what I said. I gasped dramatically and covered my mouth with both hands. Of course it was an act. "Ah! I'm sorry Chief. The chief asked me to keep it a secret that he can now use magic